By Jim Costa Email
This article is my response to today’s receipt of the Oath Package from the National Republic.
See: Oaths Package. PDF
Our Freedom Journey:
Let’s begin this journey as slaves becoming our own sovereigns and later creating Republics, shall we?
To do this we have to see ourselves on a time continuum from being brainwashed into being a slave without knowing it, on one end, and being a total sovereign on the other end. I see myself with 99% of
the line behind me and 1% away from sovereignty. All that remains left to overcome slavery is the eminent death to all Corporate Governments and the Cabals that control them.
I think most of us in my circle can see that this is just a few months away and is unstoppable. Then I will truly be a sovereign, and hopefully create a series of Republics to keep myself a sovereign.
This is where most of us are today.
Facts & Assumptions.
- The U.S. corporate governments and its Cabal backers will be dead in 1 to 3 months.
- To say a non-living thing is dead is to mean a final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story.
- If we were tricked into slavery by a corporation, and that corporation dies or ends, we are no longer subjugated to that corporation.
- If that corporation dies, we cannot escape from it as we are already free of it. It is no longer there.
- If a U.S. slave freed by the Civil War leaves and walks 10 miles away, would it make sense for him to return to get “Paperwork of Freedom”? The answer is “No” because now slavery no longer existed in the country.
- The package of Oaths provided by National is all titled as oaths to the National Republic, not to states or Assemblies.
- If we are calling our states Free States, and they are being created by grass roots, from the ground up, then shouldn’t the states requiring certain documents being signed wait and be decided by their County Assemblies?
- If the States’ requirements of signed documents are decided by Assemblies (their members), shouldn’t the state in turn decide what the Federal government requires signed?
Let’s rephrase that question. If Florida elects a stutterer as its Federal Senator, can the Senate refuse to admit him because of his long speeches?
Note- I am NOT discussing the oath to abide by the Constitutions here. I am discussing NDAs or documents that I never was a ??? or I no longer am a ??? here. - I can appreciate a NDA for Coke in protecting their formula. But an organization like ours as we are floundering around trying to find our way out of a two acre track of woods with no secret military information, all while our competitor is gasping on the floor dying? Come on folks, am I just missing the secret here?
- If we are waiting for the Corporate governments to die from insolvency, why the rush to abandon them now? Why not just wait for them to end?
- My assumption for the answer to #9 above is we are all trying to vision what will be needed by the Republics once they do Stand-Up. But if they stand up after the Corporations dies then there is no need for most of that paperwork.
- The only document exception relates to non-US titles. Since at this time no Republic actually has a Constitutional block for that NOW, it is a moot issue. If and when a change to a Constitution is made, I would advise a person impacted by that to just wait and see what the law actually says. My guess is there will be a time limit to cure that problem. And if I am correct, all states will simply make changes to their BAR Association so that now a new US membership ID is provided, such as “Certified Lawyer-man” and 12 other sexes currently identified. See: Jim’s Survival Rule #1202. It’s Never A problem Until It’s a Problem.
- Speaking of sex, it’s my personal opinion that some Historians are operating from a world 15 years back when there was reason to fear the Corporate government. But their error is now creating Pr-mature ejaculations which never does anybody any good.
- Jim’s Secret To Happiness – Never drink a fine wine or sign a document before its time.
You are a 99% sovereign. When are you going to start acting like a 100% sovereign?