By Jim Costa Email
Date: 1/12/25

The Problem:

How can just one Ad Hoc Kansas Statewide County Organizer begin raising all of their 105 County Assemblies quickly, beginning in January, 2025?

This assumes using the Florida Fast Track Method.

The Plan:

Suppose You Divide Your State’s 105 Counties Into:

  • (6) counties, locally connected; referred to as “Circles;

  • With (3) Circles, locally connected; referred to as “Hives”

  • or (18) Circles;

  • With (6) Hives equaling 105 Counties.

The study of Organizational Behavior indicates meetings work best with a maximum of around 6 members. This way they all have a voice in the proceedings.

One Circle can have one representative from each of its counties, giving a circle meeting of 6

One Hive meeting can take two members from each of its 3 circles, yielding a Hive Meeting
with 6 members.

What This Means To The Ad Hoc State Wide Assembly Organizer:

  1. She can organize her own county and coach the local Circle (6 counties)

  2. Thus 17 Other Volunteers can organize their own county and coach their local Circle, for a total of 105 Counties.

  3. She can sit in all Hive Meetings for advanced coaching and training.
    Those members can then report back to their local Circles.

Spreadsheet Coding for Tracking & Sorting:

Counties are numbered from 1 to 105.

Local Circles (18) are tracked by Alpha “A” thru “R”.

Hives are numbered with Roman Numerals.

PROPOSAL – How To Raise all Of Your County Assemblies Immediately

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