For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida
TO: Clyde Cleveland, Jim Costa, Robert Elling, Beverly Killmore, Kristy Lefferts, Craig Pearson, Susan Price.
Date: 9/16/24
Over the weekend, Michael has decided it is best that Robert Elling and I assume all business dealings and he will focus on the political duties of the Governor. He will also be our communication between the National and other governors. This is important as several of us now have ben trained to avoid time spent on non-productive weekly training meetings.
The time has come for the state officers to stand up and take the place of one house of the State Government and begin making decisions out of the normal scope of a Governor.
Robert is preparing a Private CISCO meeting room for this. It will host our laptop meetings and hold the current copy of files we are working from. He will record the meetings.
That group needs a Committee leader, so now is the chance for a somewhat Roberts Rules understanding to perhaps volunteer to start us off. The group may also choose to rotate that position for training purposes, say after 30 days on the job.
I suggest we bring in a voluntary secretary so the Secretary of State can focus on being a legislator. The recording secretary volunteer should have an easy time if we rely on the Proposal Method for major issues. There the records will only reflect we discussed the Proposal and the last minute changes were XXX, with a final vote of Approved or Not Approved. I think I have an excellent volunteer for that position.
That leads up to the Proposal Method. See the attached Proposal – Using The Proposal Method. This group has two Technical writers, myself and I believe Craig. So if someone wants help in the proposal writing it Is freely available. But again, that method is not required. However if we are to advise and training those that come later, this is what they need to know to do their jobs.
Since Robert owns CISCO himself (joke) and works, he needs to establish the meeting times.
Let me know who works or has other meeting time restrictions and I will pass that on to Robert.
Then go to the old website’s CONTACT PAGE. At the very bottom is a link to PROPOSALS. The ones with RED notes have not been looked at. Of importance to our survival are Looking Backward and Internet Team.
Consider doing our own swearing in and admitting new state officers immediately upon appointment/election to the Board of Directors, thus watering down our authority until we are finally phased out.
Decide if we want to work from planned agendas with participants having at least a week to review and prepare for the meeting. Decide if we need standing Ad Hoc Committees to be developed before we need them.
Decide if this group wants the Governor at the meetings, and if so, does he have a vote, and if so, for how long?
Final Note: Everything I have said here is but ideas. This group must prepare their own ideas and must be the creators of the best ideas.
WE are the deciders. We need to decide. We are up to bat next.