By Jim Costa Email

  1. State Cannot Create Assemblies.

    County Assemblies are sovereign over the state government.
    Therefore, the creation of assemblies must be grass roots or self organizing.

    This requires a volunteer without a state officer’s title.
    It is possible however for an officer to resign and later get reappointed.

  2. Potential Members Need Assistance.

    Most are over 60 years old and have Smart Phones. If you use a Florida Clone website, the Forum software is difficult because there is a forum for each county.

    It is best to have a coach to sign up for persons who can’t get into the Forum or talk them in.

    Then the coach can prod the County Organizers along and track the state progress.
    This volunteer needs more than a phone.

  3. If your state is using a Florida Clone, this notice should be at the bottom of all mass Emails:

    If you have trouble let me know. We may have to reset your password.

    If you want, I can post for you until the password is cleared up.
    Just let me know if I can help.

    Email: costa4670@gmail.com
    Phone: 850-463-7711 CT

    All of the Member’s communications will be done on FlaRepublic.us.

    This website is only for the workers and Members of the Republic For Florida and all Florida County Assemblies.

    To use the forum, you have to Register first (on the Forum Page). Then you have to LOG IN, otherwise the County Search won’t work.

    When you enter the Forum, type the name of your county in the SEARCH box.

    Click on the title of the two threads there. A Write Slate will open at the bottom for your communications.

    When finished posting you have to hunt for the “Submit” button. Scroll down about 2 inches below the screen and it is to the extreme right. They hid it well!

    Jim Costa, Florida Ad Hoc Coach for Florida Assemblies.
    Email: costa4670@gmail.com Phone: 850-463-7711 CT

    Florida created an email address for itself so Prospective Members could see the Sender’s name.

    We chose “FlaRepublic4workers@Gmail.com”.

Article – Ad Hoc Coach For County Assemblies

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