The Houston Oil Tank Farm had a hundred large above ground steel tanks at the port awaiting its contents to be shipped, when one tank caught fire. The City fire department refused to fight it stating it was too dangerous to get close to it.

The desperate owner contacted a county volunteer fire department and pleaded with them. He promised a $10,000 donation if they would just try. Twenty minutes later an old fire truck came speeding in and instead of stopping a safe distance from the flames, next to the City trucks, it sped right next to the fire!

The men jumped off the small truck and began hosing each other down, then a few began hosing down the truck. Then a third of them turned their hose on the source of the flames. Within a few minutes the fire was out, saving the entire tank farm.

The owner handed the check to the Fire Chief and said, “That’s a lot of money, what are you going to do with it?” The Chief responded, “first we’re going to fix the brakes on that damn truck!” This cute story emphasizes that in an emergency, one does what one must do.

So just how safe is the Florida Fast Track Assembly method? That’s a fair question considering we are Re-Inhabiting dormant Republics to govern us again. Is it lawful enough to stand the test of time?

Let’s map it out together, shall we? Lets begin with the beginning. An assembly starts with only 2 or 3 members creating their County Assembly, a bare minimum, and adopting its By-laws and declaring the Assembly now open for business. They then will elect two volunteers as Delegates to their State House of epresentatives, opening it for Business. This is the immediate job of the Assembly completed almost instantly.

But what if there is an obscure clause in the Old Testament stating that a County Assembly must have 27.5 members as a minimum?

This is where the thousand year old lawful common law act of Ratification comes into play. Ratification is defined as ”To ratify means to approve or enact a legally binding act that would not otherwise be binding in the absence of such approval.” Source

As more members join the Assembly movement, their mere act of joining ratifies as lawful any defects in the emergency startup that may appear later. This is how the world works.

Now when that state fills up their House of Representatives, with all their Assemblies using the Fast Track Method, can we wave a magic wand over all those assemblies, even the ones not created yet, making them all lawful just in case? Yes we can! The House of Representatives immediately passes a bill (proposal) ratifying all work done, or to be done, by assemblies as lawful.

Then the House passes a bill to raise the State Senate by manning it later and open it’s judicial system. It then comes back ratifies the creation of that Senate once it opens for business.

Then we use the magic wand one final time. The first Bill (Proposal) to be passed by the the newly manned and opened State Senate is to Ratify all work done by the House of Representatives and again the Assemblies.

This should cover any possible future cries of “unlawful” for the Fast Track Emergency action taken to do the impossible immediately.


Proposal – Ratification
Proposal – Ratification Of Assemblies
Proposal – Manning The Senate
Proposal – Ratification By The Senate

Article – How Lawful Is The Fast Track?

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