By: Jim Costa

During the Interim that the Dormant Republics are trying to become Re-Inhabited, the period we are
now in, there might be a need for a mechanism to assist in dispute settlements until all States Stand-Up and create their own such venues, even for for the National Republic.

One solution is to have an Arbitration Method agreed upon by both sides of the dispute to be convened and adjudicated in the matter.

Please consider this a brief description of such an Arbitration Board.

  1. The Board might be comprised of two State Judges, one selected by each Litigant, from any state he chooses.

    Those two judges will, in a random manner, choose a third Judge together.

    All three Judges must be an Interim state Justice in the Republics, having held that position for at least 90 days before agreeing to the task.

  2. The two Litigants will deliver written Proposals of the facts of the dispute being outlined in accordance to the Proposal Method suggested by Jim Costa. Link

    The time limit for delivery to their apposing Litigant will be agreed upon by both Litigants and detailed along with the Selection of their two notices delivered to their two selected Judges.

  3. The Litigants each will have one week to respond to the other’s Proposal in writing by simply stating “Agreed” or “Denied”, as a minimum, to each Fact Point in the received Proposal.

    After both Litigants have received their Answer, a Minimum Period of one week will be allowed for the two parties to negotiate a resolution themselves. After that week expires, either party can request a hearing.

  4. If both Answers are not received timely, the Arbitration method is ended.

  5. If no Resolution has been reached by the Litigants themselves, then a request for the Volunteer Judges to proceed with the selection of their third Judge.

    Those two Judges will then select a third Jude and set the time for a hearing.

    The three Judges will make a binding Ruling.

  6. Time schedules can be manged by the two Litigants by agreement.

  7. The Judges’ Rulings may award stated Liquidating Damages (dollar amount) if an action is required as an award and not performed. If the Liqidaed damages are due and unpaid, the wining Litigant can proceed to De Facto Court for colletion.

Article – Simple Arbitration Board For Dispute Settlement

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