By Jim Costa Email

The last part of my career was spent as a financial controller going into fast growth businesses orbusinesses that were in financial difficulty. I saw myself as a fireman going in just to put out the fireand then get bored and go find another fire.

I loved it.My style was to look around for two weeks and find out what part of my job consumed most of mytime. I would then write computer programs to knock out that problem, whether it be a big financialproblem or not. I just wanted to freed up my time. After this was accomplished I would go look for thebig money problems to try to resolve them.

Most Controllers would look first at labor and cut employees, but I didn’t want to lose anyone. Myview was that many of them were near burn-out and the didn’t need a kick in the face for fighting thefight. They needed saving and a future. So instead of selling off or laying off assets, my goal was to repurpose the existing to bring in revenue. It worked most of the time.

I was the Controller for a manufacturer for six months and noticed they owned land on a bayou thatnetted $10,000 per year for ten years. I suggested it should be making $1 Million per year withoutinvestment or selling off anything. Two weeks later the in-house Accountant had my job and I was incharge of the property. Four months later they were earning $750,000 dollars profit per year foreverafter I turned it into a seaport with the tenants making required improvements at their expense. Twomonths later I dropped out of the work-force at age 50 so I could do other things with my life.

I feel we have all caught the same virus as the Republic “Historians” did that put us back On-The-Land in 2010. But this is incorrect thinking – we don’t see the changed near future.

There is the new world around us just now coming in the view.

Zeitgeist is defined as the culture, means of living, morale, or the time period that a novel is written in.

There is a coming new Zeitgeist as we rebuild our government, which will cause much emotional outpouring in humanity from the massive changes we are diving deeper into.  It is imperative that we prepare our Assembly and Congress people to conduct a calm steady workflow in all meetings to remain out of the emotional quicksand that will tempt future meetings.

See: New Clif High: Alien Invasion Special Report with Jean-Claude.

I see the same as the Historians saw in 2010, that the Assembly would guard against government tyranny by monitoring and using De Jure Grand Juries. But I see that as consuming only 50% of their time.

Now comes a fun part, the other 50%.

For the most part, governments never resolve problems. They morph them and grow them. They get addicted to the central controll power over the world and they long for more of it and the problems still stay on, they just are now managed. As an example, look at homelessness and poverty. For thousands of years, governments have dealt with it, and yet we still have to step over it and pretend we don’t see it.

Within a few months our Zeitgeist will be changing to the point that we are no longer living in fear, so we can now shift to its opposite, living in love.

We will come to realize that if we focus our thoughts on what we choose to create, we can create that. We will now have the time, resources and the new technologies coming in to create whatever it is we imagine and focus; it will become our reality.

I know this sounds very strange but let’s just assume that this is true. What if the Assembly decided to just end poverty and homelessness? Governments can’t do this because they’re created to continue the problem. They don’t look at things to end problems.

But an Assembly that can imagine, vision, and dream can see that we do indeed can resolve this problem very cheaply and quickly. Plus it and then leave it alone to manage its own future. Sounds impossible, doesn’t it?

How about a mind experiment? Let’s assume that highly advanced aliens from another planet come to dine with us for a while. Being that they’re highly advanced we would have to assume that they resolved homelessness, slavery and poverty eons ago.

How do you think they did it? Probably by simply viewing it from a different vantage point and focusing on it. In our near future as our economic system goes away from us, and as we free ourselves, we will have a different vantage point to look at this serious problem and resolve it. However now we can go out and implement it.

That is what I see is the future of our county assemblies. We will be at a new vantage point where we can see all of the suffering that goes on around us because we can now recognize it and deal with it.
We’re free to do that; out of love we will do that.

With all of these changes coming down, there’s going to be a lot of emotional attention, a lot of depression around us, and a lot of anxiety to begin our new creative life. And with all of this emotion surrounding us, that’s why I’m suggesting that we immediately focus on how to just simply meet and talk calmly with each other, so we can focus on getting the work done for our County.

Article – The Future Of County Assemblies

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