To: All County Assembly Organizers and Foremen.
By: Jim Costa
Date: 01/15/2025
The Problem:
What should a County Assembly do after it has elected it’s delegates?
Facts & Assumptions:
The story has it that an above ground oil tank on a Houston oil tank farm caught fire. The county refused to try to extinguish it because it might torch their trucks being in the midst of 100 such tanks.
A local volunteer dept. accepted the challenge when a payment of $10,000 was offered to just show up and try. 15 Minutes later an old truck came speeding in and stopped just a few yards from the burning tank.
The firemen jumped off and pulled off three hoses. The first hosed off the truck. The second hosed off the men. The third proceeded to quickly put out the fire as the first two protected the truck and all firemen.
When the farm owned handed the Chief the check he said “That’s a lot of money. What are you going to do with it?” The chief responded “First we are going to fix the brakes on that damn truck.”
Now the Cliff Note Style Answer For You.
- Push as many Assembly members as possible to take all class at the free Academy.
This will prevent your Foreman from getting his clothes on fire in the first large meeting of the Assembly.
- Do the Personality seminar with an open mind. I will teach you to immediately see the personality of everyone around you.
- Do the Meeting Methods Training.
- Focus on the Proposal Method. This all allow everyone to express their ideas and create a calm meeting environment.
- Read the Complete Business Plan For All Republic States.
One cannot lead unless they have the vision.
- Do the Personality seminar with an open mind. I will teach you to immediately see the personality of everyone around you.
- Complete standing up your County Assembly Lawfully.
- Send Delegates to the State Republic and order them to Stand-Up your State Congress.
- Order the State Congress to Join the Federal Republic.
- Meet with your current Sheriff.
- Consider breaking your Assembly into Committees that match your current County committees.
- Etc.. . Prepare to assist, support, train and supervise the State and County Republics that await your instructions.