First things first.
I assume you read all 5 articles under the section: Why Break From Nat’l To Use the Fast Track?
- The Fast Track Method – Read
- Reading To County – Read
- Article – Laches and Squatter Rights – Read
- Proposal – Merger & Military Softball – Read
- Article – Signing Oaths To The National Republic For The U. S. – Read
If you have not, do so now. That gives you the best reasons and will give you the most comfort.
New thoughts to consider:
Risk Gain Analysis
I have always been trained to match the risk with a gain. If the risk was too great, I wouldn’t make that move.
Let’s do so now. What is the risk for you if you decide wrong? If you decide to Take The Land, you risk never getting your real task of Standing Up your state, because time runs out. If you put off taking the land, you risk making a timeline mistake.
Timeline Mistake
A timeline mistake may be curable by coming back later and taking the land, if you still have time. There is no requirement saying that you have to take the land before you can start your assemblies and get your delegates.
Protection of Others
If however you run out of time and never take the land and the military steps up, you’re surrounded by other states that probably have taken the land. In this case, the military is desperate to get rid of their
problem and they will probably tell you, “Hey you failed, take another day and come back when you’ve taken the land.” So then you go back the next day after your paper chase.
Emergency Instructions From Sandy the past few weeks:
Every Monday morning Sandy publishes or announcements on the podcast that will be made over the next few days. The top item every Monday is this notice to not communicate with the deep state.
Maintaining Republic Parallel Status
“So, having documented above the key instances where it was necessary for the Interim Government to give Lawful notice to the De Facto UNITED STATES corporation, and acknowledging that we continue to operate parallel to said corporation, we see no current requirement to give further notice. Let it be known that any agent (or officer of the Republic), unless authorized by the President in writing, has no Lawful authority from the Republic to serve notice on De Facto officers on behalf of the Republic; and, if they do so, then they are acting in their own private capacity and DO NOT represent the Republic.”
So my questions are how you gonna serve the notice if you’re not allowed to serve the notice or why serve the notice if nobody’s allowed to see it?
Re Ipsa Loquitur
The above Latin phrase means a “thing speaks for itself”. It’s a very old common law principle in law. As an example: A person driving a car and causing an accident puts up as a defense that the accident was the fault of the backseat driver.
All the other party has to do in regards to your defense is to say “Re Ipsa loquitur” to the judge. In which case the judge will now say that the most reasonable cause for the accident was that of the driver, and that’s what we’re going with. Now it’s up to the defendant to prove it wasn’t his fault.
If you are standing on the land physically in front of the military and you say Re Ipsa Loquitur, as you are standing on the land and the Deep State is dead, now it’s up to the military to prove that you’re not there. It’s their problem. Do you really think the Military wants this problem?
If you follow the blueprint from the FloridaRepublic.US website, Ratification is one of the first actions taken after your state Congress has been brought up. The Ratification by Congress will forgive itself and makes everything that they’ve done to raise itself lawful. This will also include everything that the assemblies did to create themselves lawful, such as failing to Take the Land, if that was indeed lawful.
Best of luck in your decision making, Jim