By Jim Costa Email
Well, actually it does, halfway.
In October I was in a 45 Minute meeting with Tim Turner, the former President of The National Republic, with two other Florida leaders. Tim revealed that it took him two years to raise his first assembly and four years to raise the second one. He agreed that we don’t have that time today. He was delighted that we have a fast track method in place now.
But that was coming from Tim Turner, personally. Why isn’t Col. Sandy Mairecki pushing it, one might ask. I will address that as my personal opinion.
First, National got caught flat-footed when approached by the military a few months back in July/August ‘24. They did not have a plan to bring up the entire country. They only had their history of seizing the land and being recognized for it in 2012. After that they went dormant.
They went dormant but I didn’t, in my mind. Fifteen years ago I was on board in Florida and voted our current Governor Michael Bishop into office, then we went dormant, as most did. My part in the play was I was to bring up County De Jure Grand Juries in half of the State’s 67 Counties. Working out of my car, I was able to bring up three counties.
For the years after that I went through my head as to what went wrong on my part. I knew it would soon be back and this time I would have it right. When I got the call in August, 2024, I already knew what I needed to do.
I met with our Governor and asked what his two toughest jobs were. He said bringing up the Judicial system and the Assemblies. I told him I would do both. My analysis surprised me when I determined that you cannot train Judicial people to be legal giants in two months or so. It can’t be done.
In that same time period I researched all that the National had regarding the assembly process. That was in the first month. The second month was in proving that it was correct that they had nothing. I attended old recorded useless meetings that all turned out to be bible school classes.
Now allow me to back up and explain myself. By training I am a CPA, Computer Systems Analyst/Programmer and a Paralegal. From the moment I stepped into school I was trained to “hang my hat” on paper, always. I never accepted anything orally because you can’t come back and prove that. When my every question of paper, lists or plans turned up zero I knew there were no plans.
When I realized that, my promise to the Governor opened the door to write a plan that could be shared by all states. That is what I did. I knew that rather than chase members down in a car we had to have a website to pull them into our orbit and process them once they arrived. That is what we did.
In my personal opinion, this is why we do not have formal approval by National for our system. The Historians did a magnificent job in gaining title to the land in the World Court in 2010. Up until that time they took the original 1776 route to accomplish that. They stood on the Court-House steps and read petitions and relied on “Preambles” to spell out their anger and frustration with the Crown. And I agree with their actions, as it is hard to argue with success.
But I believe they forgot that we already have the land today, and out of habit, they continue to endorse that lengthy process today. I believe it is unneeded as we already hold the land. All we need to do now is to just create the assemblies.
By not going after the land we need not spend weeks writing our Preambles, Bi-Lateral Contracts or anything else. We just need to get bodies so we can open for business when needed.
Now for the big disagreement. National says we need to raise a county Assembly with 12/13 members or 24/25 members, and it must be modeled after the 1776 era “Committee of Safety”, whatever that model is.
Today the historians, who have never seen our work-products say that we “are just an ordinary assembly because we have not defined ourselves with a “Preamble” of gripes. I disagree because we took a standard set of By laws, added a clause declaring that “no member is financially responsible for
anything” and at the top, typed:
“Purpose: This assembly has as it’s purpose to re-inhabit the Pre-Civil War US Republics, in particular in Florida and the National. This will be accomplished peacefully and after the current Corporate Governments collapse from insolvency.” or something like that.
Therefore, we have declared our Assembly’s Purpose. Note I didn’t use the term “Safety Committee” because no one will know what the hell that means. If you are going to say it then say it.
Now, in regard to numbers. The numbers chosen by the Historians was because they foresaw De Jure Grand Juries and Petit Juries coming from assembly members and that is where those minimum numbers came from. I do not see juries being needed early so why cripple yourself with that extra weight? We can start our assembly with only one person, and complete its main objective with a total of 3 members. Then in its own time, it can build up members later. Of course, this will happen quickly as soon as we Stand-Up in front of the public.