(the Colt of the West)
New Business Model For The Right Person.
December 2, 2024 Email

When I was thirty-four, I thought I had outgrown Pensacola, Florida and was ready for the big time. I started looking in a few of the national newspapers. I responded to an ad in a Dallas newspaper, flew there for an interview, and you guessed it, got the job and was sent to Pensacola. A software company listed on the N.Y. Stock Exchange had just acquired a software company in Pensacola. I had just performed the audit of that company for the seller, but did not know who the buyer was until that meeting. We were both surprised.

The company in Pensacola was Digital Systems, Inc. It was a three year old company started by two partners (fraternity brothers), a recent accounting major and a marketing major. They had purchased a recently written software code that ran an accounting package geared for CPA firms to perform client accounting. They coupled their new software with a $80,000 midi mainframe Digital brand computer, and sold the package, complete with training, for about $100,00. There was no other product out there to compete with ours. We later geared it to construction companies as well. 

The company sold turn-key systems, both hardware and software. Digital Equipment Company (DEC) was one of the three largest computer hardware companies in the US and we were their largest purchaser. We had the market cornered as no one else had software for these two markets.

We flew the purchaser’s office staff to a beach condo for a week while we trained them on hardware and software.

The two partners sold out, becoming millionaires, just a year before the birth of Mini-computers and desk tops killing our business model. We could no longer go on the road selling at tooth-brush prices. We couldn’t afford the airfare to send salesmen to CPA and Contractor conventions to make sales. Plus now we had competition. We lost our advantages.

But here we are creating a new industry that the world does not see. We are returning our overturned Posidian ship back to its upright position from pre-Civil War days when the County Assemblies ran the county and the State Governments. The business world has no idea this is going to hit them.

But you do.

Jim’s Daily Rant. Ida’s Legal Forms.

The wealthiest bankers in the world have been said to be the Rothschild family. Their Grand-Daddy earned their wealth for them by thinking.

He knew that Napoleon lost the war to take over all of Europe and nationalize businesses on Monday morning, June 19, 1815. He went to the stock market and was the only one bending over backwards to purchase stocks from European companies when the entire room was desperate to sell. The room thought he had gone mad and eagerly stood in line to sell their worthless shares to him at vastly discounted prices.

Within a half hour Rothschild had purchased it all. After the half hour after opening, the entire room received the news that Napoleon had been beaten at Waterloo and was forever beaten. What the room didn’t know was Rothschild was smart enough to pay a man with carrier pigeons to send him news of the battle’s outcome before everybody else got it!

Now let’s fast forward to the day of the internet. There was a stay at home Paralegal by the name of Ida ?? who lived on a main highway with a large sign in front of her home that read “Ida’s Legal Forms”.
Before photo copy machines were affordable, she inventoried all sorts of blank legal forms.

I was told not only did she sell them but she offered ideas on how one might complete them that served your best interest. She had no competition and made a killing.

It is all going to collapse within three months, for sure.

How can that foreknowledge give you an edge?

In my latest Proposal – Electronic Leadership Of The Future Now. – Read
Proposal Method, Part II, I detail what will blossom into a new surprise growth demand Industry.

Let’s look at the Numbers, shall we?

Number of US Counties:

Possible Assembly Members per County:
X 20

Assembly Laptops Required:

Laptops Needed per State Congress & Aids

(50 states X 300 Congressmen X 2 Aids):

National Congress:

County Governments:


If Canada Joins the U.S.

Number of Canadian Counties: 

Possible Assembly Members per County 
X 20

Assembly Laptops Required:

Combined Minimum:

Laptop Configurations:
Each laptop would be Configured For:

Proprietary software;
All training and manuals loaded;
Using shareware as much as possible.
All foreseeable add-nos added on for governance.
(electronic meetings, talk to typing, bulk file exchanging)
With dock-able stations, home and office.


Technicians can upgrade hardware with internet;
On-line training seminars;
Many podcasts;
Phone Tech support;
Website support??
Software Support.

Marketing Strategy:
Sales to governments, covering hardware package and annual support.
Jim’s Caveat: I am not interested in the business part or money, but will assist in its creation.

I am only interested in the end result – We are moving into an era of truthfulness. Now we need to create a method for civil leaders to all communicate honestly, in the open and with all having an equal opportunity to be heard in a room with 400 leaders present.

Needing From You: Your opinion and thoughts?

Possible Laptop Configuration
Hardware: Full Laptop – Linux / Ubuntu Operating System
Virus Protection
Brave Web Browser
Loaded for Email Merge in Thunderbird Mail.
Loaded for Email Voting
Loaded for PDF document viewer
Loaded for GitClip (Video Downloads)
Appointment Book

Talk to Type Software
Proprietary Assembly/Congress Software
Zoom / Telegram Meeting software

Configured for latest HP Printer.
Configured for above Scanner.

Additional Hardware.
Multiple UBS Splitter
Desktop Monitor Camera
Desktop Keyboard
Latest HP Printer

Business Proposal – Ida’s Assembly Support

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