Nominating & Electing County Delegates to the State House of Representatives Quickly.

PROPOSAL – For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida

TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
From: Jim Costa
Date: August 17, 2024

The Problem:
  • How do we get the best leaders to volunteer in each county to get nominated quickly?

  • How do we rush up their acceptance and campaign?

  • How do we get them elected fast to fill up the State House quickly?

Facts & Assumptions:
  1. In normal circumstances persons are nominated by someone, then meet members in several meetings to gain their support. Then elections are held.

  2. Our county Assembly is a new organization and strangers gathered together.
    They will be doing the voting. Who can the trust?

  3. This is a problem: Where can we meet? Over what time schedules to suit all members?

The Plan:
  1. The Members should be proficient on Spotting Personalities.

  2. As new members sign up immediately ask for their head shots and photos of their hand laid palm down, fingers closed. You will spot more leaders.

  3. #2 above will help the Governor appoint County Officials needed to run the County Assemblies.

  4. Challenge the Members that to locate persons to nominate is Impossible to do.
    This will cause the leaders to step forward and volunteer.
    By volunteering, we cut out the traditional nominating process.

  5. If only two persons volunteer, elect them. If more that two, run a few weeklong campaign.

  6. Set up the Chat Room for that county to hold their campaign.
    The candidate can provide his Bio and Qualifications.
    Members can converse with him and others can see that conversation.

  7. The State Republic might appoint a volunteer to assist all candidates in preparing their campaign. Example: Bios, Platform, podcasts.

  8. When the members are ready, they can call for a vote to hold a meeting to vote, or they might vote privately by sending an email to two county officials to be counted and reconciled.

Pros & Cons

Costs: Zero

Pros: It’s an Aladdin’s lamp.

Cons: Keeps the Assembly Members from meeting and greeting each other in person.

Action Requested from the Governor:

  1. Approve or disapprove.
  2. Cause it to happen.
  3. Defer to the first County Assembly meeting.

Electing County Delegates

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