For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida

TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
From: Jim Costa
Date: Sept. 5, 2024

The Problem:
  1. Most of the Alternative News Media Big People are in agreement that the collapse will occur before the November election. That leaves us 60 days to make substantial progress in Standing Up the Republics.

  2. This weekend the new Florida Republic Workers website,, will be fully functioning at a private server bank for maximum security. Next weekend, our new Marketing website for the public will also be operational.

  3. The Purpose of the Worker’s Website is to:
    • Cause all county organizers to become instantly trained;
    • Train all Assembly Members quickly and show them what is expected of them;
    • Give them all materials, suggested Agendas and support for their immediate success;
    • Provide a private Forum for each county to organize and hold their meetings. Also provide them computer-conferencing for meetings if so needed.
    • Provide training materials for Interim Judges and County clerks, so they can better support the elected persons revealing them of duty.

  4. This organized and computerized approach should immediately cause success of all county’s to accomplish their needed goals for the State Republic.

  5. Can we share this with the other 49 states?

Facts & Assumptions:
  1. Both of our websites will be on WordPress Software Platform, a standard.

  2. It appears that the cost from WordPress is zero per month, unless the user wants more bells and whistles.

  3. That website will be pushing three Constitutional (Federal and State) that all states will need for the Re-Inhabited Republics to succeed. That being:
    • They are the Juror’s Right of Annulment,
    • The De Jure Grand Jury’s right to void a corporation’s State Charter, or penalize it.
    • The qualifications for judges and Clerks of Court.

  4. Each state can use their own web support teams or use the one we are currently using.

  5. Florida will continuously add organizational procedures and information on our websites.

    Other states can be notified of such upgrades and choose to upgrade their own websites.

  6. A user-group of all states can be freely formed to support each other and add more knowledge to the websites.

  7. Other states can leave their websites on the same private server banks for security or go their own way.

  8. The Website professional and server bank provider is considering supporting other states, with service fees deferred until the Republics are funded. His prices will start low based on the traffic and rise month to month as he has to pay more for band width. Thus we the states will have to take all the risks of the unknown. But collectively this will be the lowest costs we can get.

The Plan:
  1. Invite them to look at the current site and ask for advice for improvement.

  2. Offer the cloned websites freely to the other states.

    Their immediate cost would be $20 for their Domain Name.

  3. Offer freely the County Progress Spreadsheet as well.

Pros & Cons

Costs to Florida: Zip

Pros: Guarantees the Federal Republic is successful in Standing up.
Will demonstrate maximum efforts and future success to the military


Action Requested From the Governor

  1. Approve or disapprove
  2. Cause it to happen.

Free Website Cloning

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