PROPOSAL – For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida
TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
From: Jim Costa
Date: Sept. 16, 2024
The Problem:
This is a critical deadline Start-Up that cannot fail as the world is depending on us.
How do we insure that we don’t loose key criticle volunteers before that deadline?
Facts & Assumptions:
- We are expected by National to rely only on volunteers, as we have no funds and are expected to operate without funds until National Stands Up and is fully funded.
- Historically, start-up volunteers work more and more over time and keep spending family funds into the venture. If success doesn’t come quickly volunteer drop out from family pressure to jump ship. This has happened with this venture 10 years ago too.
- This Start-Up is just a six month venture.
- All volunteers are valuable, but all volunteers are different. Some are on pensions and have plenty of free time. That is the case of most of our volunteers. Yet some are chasing -paychecks or are self employed.
- This is a rocket ride. Time wise, we are still in the rumble noise stage, gaining ten new members a week. Soon we will be gaining 1K, 10K, then half a million weekly. If some of us cannot keep up with Emails, then some of us will contemplate swallowing printed emails to end it all.
- As we go thru the collapse, some volunteers either will lose their jobs due to economic reasons, or lose some income or risk losing all of their income, from too much attention to the Republic. This is coming.
- In every organization, some persons are irreplaceable in that there is no time to train replacements; their loss may be a death blow. In the business world, this is resolved by doing two things at once. Hire a brilliant body double to become trained as a back-up.
- The second thing is to place Golden Handcuffs on the original person so they cannot leave. We really don’t have the luxury of taking a few months to train a back-up person.
- Golden handcuffs are a form of payment contingent on a person remaining dedicated to the job for a designated period. This can be current payment or a guaranteed payment later in time.
- As we explode to membership of 500,000 persons, a few key volunteers will be in jeopardy job-wise. They need to know they are protected now to remain steadfast.
- Those that need handcuffs will probably be involved in the communications and electronics areas, that will increase their time on the job with little chance for delegating duties.
The rocket take-off will be too sudden; they can only hope to hang on. This will only create health stress on these individuals and their families. That is their lot. Other volunteers will not suffer to this degree. - How can we offer financial protection if we have no funding?
The Possibilities Are:
- See Proposal – Immediate Financing. Link
- Offer them multi-year employment contract that survives the 120 day elections, or a predefined payout.
- Offer them a agreed on Bonus at guaranteed for Stand-Up time.
- Offer them a monthly phase out supplement. This will fund them as they lose sales in their current career as the devote less attention to that career.
- Offer a combination of the above to each irreplaceable volunteer needing such a package.
- Note: This writer should not be considered in this group.
- See Proposal – Immediate Financing. Link
The Plan:
- Decide if we are prepared to stand for Florida over following the desires of National.
- Decide if we are prepared to accept funding now.
- Then we know what we can offer.
- Decide who fits the needs for handcuffs.
- Negotiate to offer true comfort for each person.
- Total it all up and if necessary negotiate new offerings.
- Contract it.
Pros & Cons
Costs: To be determined. Remember, some are Current and some Future.
– The only way we can be successful.
– This prevents us from having our backs to the wall desperate.
– Keeps up morale when things get crazy.
– Keeps those families in the support mode, thus insuring those volunteers health.
– Allows us to deal with the inevitable now rather than when we are all in stress.
– May upset National.
– Will upset National.
– May upset some volunteers not privy to this proposal.
We are forcing Ratification on the future government, thus pushing the limits of our authority.
Action Requested From Two Parties
All State State Officers should decide this issue together, as we will all be down in the same ditch. This should be by Consensus rather than 51/49 voting. This way we all own and justify the decision.
Approve or disapprove.