The most important part of the re-inhabited Republics will be the County Assemblies. Why? Because they will be the truth seekers and the truth finders.
In today’s world, the powers that be are the truth finders for us, which is nothing more than a propaganda machine. In a few weeks, Florida will have software for assemblies to monitor for truth-telling and lie-telling emanating from our leaders. It will be the assembly’s responsibility to act on their findings.
If an elected official continues to lie, an assembly might publicly disgrace them and point this out to all. If that doesn’t solve the issue, the assemblies may push to sanction or recall that politician. There’s no need for putting up with this in the future. We are moving into a world of truthfulness soon. In that new world of truthfulness there will not be tolerance for lies, corruption and forced slavery to the elite to harvest us.
It will be the jobs of the Assemblies to check all of this and react timely to transgressions of our political leaders as well as industry leadership.
Florida is in the process of writing integrated software that all the assembly members will have access to on laptops as well as all state congressmen. That integrated software will be a new AI application that would monitor someone’s voice or facial expressions while they’re speaking to indicate whether they are truthful by monitoring someone’s voice and facial expressions while speaking to indicate whether they are Lying.
This is a result of the new AI technology that will be in the hands of our assembly members.
See: Jim’s Daily Rant. Given A 30 Day Notice, Can Our World Instantly Become The World Jesus & Buddha Described? There I praised the quantum financial system for changing the world and converting it over to a truthfulness only planet.
I don’t know if the QFS is real or not. I can’t prove it. Do not know. What I do know is if it’s not true, then this latest Rant – Given 30Day Notice . . . is still a true prediction because the AI technology of analyzing for truthfulness or lies will still create a Truthful planet only. So if the quantum financial system is not real, then in one or two months, the AI applications to monitor for lying will be available. So either way, we’re going to end up in a couple of months with a world where lies will no longer be tolerated.
Folks, Florida is the first to add this into their own Government Management Software. This will be a great investment for the right partner in leading the Nuvo Reality.
See Also: Jim’s Daily Rant. Michael Lerner and Clif High.