For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida

TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
TO: Honorable SANDRA , MIARECKI, Governor, Texas
From: Jim Costa
Date: August 5, 2024

The Problem:

We have experienced volunteers scattered all over the country wanting to help.

With our short timeline, how can we utilize this talent today?

How do we get them all in one place together to brainstorm to get ahead of our problems?

Is it possible to look for the future problems, figure out how a successful venture would have resolved it, then distribute the solution before it is needed?

Facts & Assumptions:
  1. Upcoming Problems:

    • Web Designers are just mechanics, linking pages together. They have no idea what the purpose of those pages will have on them – that information comes from the website owner. If we build 100 websites, who will brainstorm those pages?

    • As counties bring up new assemblies, who will be trained as moderators to steer 60 excited and emotional people at a meeting. Although we think this way, babys don’t actually come out of the womb knowing Roberts Rules of Order.
      How do you train new leaders to manage meetings?

    • There are formal agenda driven meetings, brain storming meetings, round table discussions. What’s the difference and how do you manage each?

    • We are used to having John Wayne ram-rodding the whole process. But with our timeline that will not be possible. How do we Delegate immediately?

    • How will Governors know how to meet and select 50 to 100 persons to appoint as county Officials?

    • We know there are a hundred other problems waiting to be resolved. 

  2. The Federal Republic website (FedMainSite) may be becoming too crowded and cluttered.

  3. People sign up to help but will probably wait for someone to contact them.
    Can they help themselves perhaps?

  1. On the FedMainSite add a Help Wanted Page that will capture new visitors to:

    • Register with the Republic.

    • Give a quick video tours (beginners, and advanced for learning) to visitors.

    • Screen for particular skills needed.

    • Screen for a quick bio of them to feed into a database.

    • Move them into a separate website (Ad Hoc) where they can join many of the Ad Hoc teams already in session brain-storming, designing and creating.

      Or they can join a hand holding thread that will walk them through their journey from just being a voter to being a county leader.

  2. The Ad Hoc would then have a Chat Room with each thread an Ad Hoc group working on solutions to foreseeable problems, such as preparing a Meeting Moderator Training page with selected YouTube seminars, quick Roberts Rules.

    Notes to carry into the meetings and experts to help train Newbys.

  3. As a officer runs into a problem and needs help, he can contact the Chat Room Coach and ask for help. The Coach can then create a new thread (Ad Hoc Team), search Bios to join that team, and periodically communicate with the requesting Officer.

  4. As Threads resolve problems, they can be marked as closed and moved to a closed section. Therefore only active threads are immediately seen.

  5. Eventually each thread may elect their own leader. They may end up producing a Training Manual or White Paper for others to use, thus codifying their work.

  6. A thread may switch to Zoom meetings as needed.

Pros & Cons

Costs: $20 to $150 Monthly website fees (depending on growth).

– Will allow lurkers see us at work.
– May entice more volunteers.
– May generate more great ideas as we grow, Federal, State and County level officers can use as a means to bring the movers and shakers together & spot leaders, as well as gathering more brain power.

– May allow intentional disruptors to join until they are expelled.

Action Requested From the Governors:

  1. Approve or disapprove or just Consider.
  2. Consider Federal, State and County levels implementing this.

Looking Backward; Brain Storming

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