PROPOSAL – For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida

TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
From: Jim Costa
Date: August 9, 2024

The Problem:
  1. How do we get the best leaders to volunteer in each county Immediately?
  2. How do we get the minimum number of county Members Immediately?
  3. How do we get the county up and running within one week?

Facts & Assumptions:
  1. The Governor will be the one to nominate County leaders.
    That means they normally must go have lunch will all new members to select the best for the minimum of 2 positions required.

    That Brings up three Time Problems:

    • How long will it take to lunch with each member? With all members?
    • When do you call time, stop the search and select the leaders?
    • How can the Governor accomplish the above in all Counties in his state?

  2. The best way for a Governor to overcome the time constraints in #1 above is to cheat and steal those persons. Steal the known Movers and shakers.

    To locate them call the county Chamber of Commerce President and ask him who are both Trump supporters and Movers & Shakers (Cholerics).

  3. The Governor must be educated on spotting personalities simply by looking at looking people. This talent can be had by a one hour seminar.
    See: Spotting Personalities on this page. Link

  4. Delegating a team to accomplish the task is the fastest method.

    Delegate the first County Leader to locate other County leaders, in neighboring counties, then each new leaders can causes growth to occur exponentially.

The Plan:
  1. The Governor must be proficient on Spotting Personalities.

  2. Contact Chambers of Commerce in 4 counties in 4 general regions in the state.

  3. Contact those persons gleamed in #2 above and have them perform step #2 for counties near them.

  4. As new members sign up immediately ask for their head shots and photos of their hand laid palm down, fingers closed. You will spot more leaders.

  5. As you make your selection, request a brief Bio and good head photo (old one),
    not the one they originally sent you before (ego, you know).

  6. Dress them up and push them out on the stage. They will tap dance for you.
    Design a web page for X County Leaders and Members.
    Post his picture and Bio. Send him the link.

  7. When he gets stage freight, motivate him.
    “Tell him getting 6 members immediately is impossible.”

  8. After he proves you wrong, his first County team project is to call six county Chamber of Commerce offices in Florida.

  9. Somewhere in all the above get a state assistant (melancholic) ready to write script for the County Web pages and ready to submit it to the webmaster; their county editor.
    This person will be your State newspaper editor.

  10. Step out of the way so you don’t get hurt. Call your county leader each day and be shocked at his progress; he thrives on recognition.

  11. The best County Leaders will be Choleric/Sanguins (Natural Born Leaders). The next best will be pure Cholerics.

Pros & Cons

Costs: ZIP

Pros: It’s an Aladdin’s lamp.


Action Requested From the Governor:

  1. Approve or disapprove.
  2. Cause it to happen.

Obtaining Tigers For County Leaders Immediately

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