PROPOSAL – For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida

TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor Pro Tem.
From: Jim Costa
Date: Aug. 1, 2024

The Problem:

In our meeting yesterday you remarked your most pressing problem was “How do we prove we have 30,000 persons on the land when we apply for membership in the Federal Republic?”

Facts & Assumptions:
  1. This problem obviously needs to be resolved immediately to restore the Federal Republic.

  2. Application with the Federal Republic should be done by the Secretary of State, when that position is filled Pro Tem or permanent.

  3. The Federal Republic will not be looking to refuse admittance of Florida.

  4. There is a legal doctrine of Re Ipsa Loquitur, translated as “A thing speaks for itself.”

    • It is used when presenting evidence to a court when something is so obvious, recognizable and common that it need not be debated further, it is accepted as fact.

    • Once Re Ipsa Loquitur is requested, then the fact in question is accepted as true.
      now the apposing side has the burden of proof to prove it just isn’t so.

      • Example: Re Ipsa loquitur is requested as proof the driver had control of the vehicle and not the back seat driver.

  5. The World Almanac and other trusted record keepers have a general idea that Florida had a population of around 23 Million residents in 2023.

  6. The De Facto Federal Government has approximately 23 Florida Representatives in Congress.

    A simple math equation can be used to extrapolate the population of Florida based on the number of Representives in D.C.

  7. A state population of 23 Million is a lot more than a required minimum of a 30,000 Population, allowing lots of room for slop.

Plan For Proof of Population:

In the Application of Statehood, the application need only pray Re Ipsa Loquitur and cite facts 5, 6 and 7 above.

Nothing more needs to be done.

Action Requested From the Governor:

Because our boat is maned by a skeleton crew at present, select an Ad Hoc Committee (or Congress) to study this proposal and pass an Accepted of Rejected ruling on it.

Because we are all new to government positions, responsibilities, and powers, this could be a way of resolving the problem so the Florida Republic can move on.

Proof of 30,000 Persons on the Land – The Shot Gun Method

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