For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida
TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
State Officers: Clyde Cleveland, Jim Costa, Robert Elling, Beverly Killmore, Kristy Lefferts, Craig Pearson, Susan Price.
From: Jim Costa
Date: Oct. 8, 2024
The Problem:
The immediate goal of each assembly is to elect two county delegates to be placed in the Republic For Florida House of Representatives to represent that county.
But what is the Assembly to do after they have met there first goal?
How are we to utilize and support them? What is their new purpose?
Facts & Assumptions:
- An Assembly’s true purpose is to submit opinions from the county to the State Republic, forever. Their secondary purpose is to submit opinions to their County Government, forever.
- They may be a source of jurists for Common Law trials and De Jure Grand Juries. However, this is up in the air at this time, or may be a temporary role.
- Unless limited in size, the assembly may grow and shrink in size.
If one joins, are they there forever, or in a pool to be picked from occasionally?
Are they rotated in and out or have term limits?
These are issues that only the assembly can decide over time. - Will there be conditions to be met in order to join the assembly?
Can one get upset about the County Dog Catcher and immediately sit on the assembly, or must they train in Roberts Rules of Order first?
Or can they join first and then get trained?
Or can they just be a resident talking to an Assembly? - How will the assembly operate with ten members verses a thousand members?
- Meetings are more productive when their size is no more than six participants. With that size everyone can fairly participate, keeping down emotions. Once emotions appear logic and negotiation become difficult.
- Will there be one leader or many leaders, one body or many Committees?
- Will decisions be made by a vote of 51% or by Consensus?
- When the newly elected State Representatives arrive 120 days after the State stands up, they will need support and training too as they are novices filling those Positions.
Who will train and support them? - Each State Rep. will have to communicate their initiatives for a Bill to 133 other Representatives to get support and help in drafting an eventual Bill.
They will need training and assistance in using the Proposal Method to communicate.
The Plan:
- Training must immediately begin in the following areas:
- Roberts Rules of Order as well as Consensus Method;
- The Proposal Method as well as having technical writers to serve those that need help in preparing tehir proposals.
- Focus Groups / Committees Method;
- Managing Electronic Meetings (Zoom type).
- Roberts Rules of Order as well as Consensus Method;
- Appreciate that as the assembly size increases meeting styles may change into focus groups or committees. Rules may need to be adjusted.
- Realize that each county must be prepared to train and assist their newly elected Representatives, especially before they get a trained staff operational.
Pros & Cons
Costs: Zero
Pros: Helps the county assembly as well as their elected permanent Representatives.
Action Requested From Each County Assembly.
- Approve or disapprove.
- Cause it to happen.