For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida
TO: Think Tankers & Others
From: Jim Costa Email
Date: Dec 15, 2024
The Problem:
How can Florida be prepared to end homelessness and poverty immediately when the Republics Stand-Up?
Facts & Assumptions:
The Co-Op Village project has been planned for about 20 years and has brant Requests already written. It was known that it was not possible mass scale until the Banksters and Elite collapsed.
That is now eminent. See its website: Link
It is now time to dust it off and prepare to launch it as soon as the republics are up and humanitarian funding is available.
The goal should be to build one in each of Florida’s 67 Counties. If more than one is required, the local one can launch the next one there.
Each one will be free standing, not a franchise, and free to redesign the template in any manner they choose.
We need the Think Tank to prepare the launch now as volunteers or paid founders.
Although funding is not available today, it can be earned and paid as back-wages when founding does come in.
Note: See: Proposal – How to Finance All of the Republics Immediately – Read Here
This writer has no interest in money but that does not others from needing it. Founders can earn money now and quit at launch or decide to stay on after funding is in hand.
The work needed now is to dust it off, establish marketing, Video presentations, prepare intake of applications, land location, prepare to overcome all county land use requirements, website development, etc.
This will need a Non-Profit Corporation to work under.
The Plan:
Prepare anticipated organizational plan and Board of Directors. Then launch and seek more workers.
Create a Non-Profit Corporation.
Costs: Zero
Pros: Gets it done simply.
Action Requested from Tankers
Take it or Leave it.