For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida
TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida.
State Officers: Clyde Cleveland, Robert Elling, Beverly Killmore. State Advisors: Kristy Lefferts, Craig Pearson, Susan Price.
From: Jim Costa
Date: Nov. 30, 2024
The Problem:
How do we quickly train, support and equip our leaders in the Assemblies and Congress?
Knowing our leaders have different backgrounds, personalities and education levels, how can we give all of them equal opportunity to be heard in a room of 400 persons?
Facts & Assumptions:
The Meetings
- Until the Republics officially Stand-Up and occupy government buildings, there will probably be no funding and most meetings will be electronic meetings. Most will be in duration of no more than two hours.
- Many Interim leaders may not have heavy writing or typing skills. Many are using phones rather than computers.
- Many will choose to act as place-holders because that is what they were asked to volunteer to do. But some will wish to truly advance themselves to be in future leadership roles in their communities. Both groups are dearly appreciated and needed.
- It is this writer’s hope that the Proposal Method be adopted because it is a fast and simple system to allow all to be heard in a crowd of 400 leaders.
- There is no formal system by this name. It was created by this writer when acting as business consultant to persons who might not fully understand the problems and possible solutions. This system politely taught them the concepts and options they needed to understand to make intelligent decisions.
The written proposals were delivered a week in advance of a formal meeting so that when we all met it was as equals. What was still confusing to some was discussed in a hallway days prior to the formal meeting; negotiations sometimes occurred.
At meeting time very little time was spent on that matter as all was understood and worked out before hand. - Meetings go well if attended by no more than 6 persons. Above that number emotions get out of hand as members fight to be heard. Long term adversaries are created this way.
- The Proposal Method strings that meeting out for a week so all can be heard, thus building future cooperation rather than adversaries.
The Electronics - A new laptop and headphone – $200
Free Linux/Ubuntu share-ware software plus other free software – $0
(All future software upgrades are free)
(All computers are preloaded and alike for mutual support designed for political leadership use.)
Total Cost: $200
X 50 Members $10,000
Cost per County, one time cost of $10,000 for open Electronic meetings forever / 3 years = $3,300 per year for good government!
To be funded by the Republic.
No need for building rental.
Note: 3 year life on computers
Economy Option: Make one system available to all members to share.
Members can call in on their phone to use typing software.
Have a volunteer to assist and finalize writings.
For current Assembly members the additional software cost is Zero (Windows or Linux shareware). - A laptop can be used as a docking station with a large monitor and keyboard added. One can even add an external hard drive to it.
- A chrome note-book or laptop using windows can have its hard drive partitioned and run Ubuntu along with it’s original Operating system.
- We can provide each assembly member a laptop fully loaded with free shareware software, and a headphone so they can freely dictate, into a typing software, then they can proof it, then use AI to tweak it for maximum clarity, and into any language.
Therefore, all representatives, of all personalities, have a fair bargaining position at a 400 member meeting.
This has never been done before in history, making all voices equal to be heard! Think about it. - A hand held tape recorder for $16 can be used to record ideas for playback later into Voice to Typing software. The file can be electronically sent to a shared secretary for typing and editing. The same can be done with a phone.
- Computer Sharing. In the Interim absent funding, a $16 tape recorder can send files to those with computers to convert the audio into a finished document for those without a computer. They can work in concert.
- Free Software:
Ubuntu: Install yourself or installed by a professional for about $40. Link
Linux Mint: Install yourself or installed by a professional for about $40 Link
Voice to Typing: Windows Based | Linux/Ubuntu
Translator Software: Available everywhere.
Custom AI program to convert Normal Writing into Technical Writing, clear and concise.
The Plan:
- Current computer owners need to install software immediately and learn it.
- All should consider purchasing a $16 tape recorder for brainstorming.
- Push the Proposal Method.
- Use volunteer secretaries now and paid staff upon funding.
- Make electronic work stations available for free for all members. To include photocopying, mass printing and binding, uploading on websites, etc.
- Plan on equiping most members with needed electronics when funding arrives.
Pros & Cons
Costs: Zero now; With Funding – $200 to $600 (the works) per active members.
Pros: Gets it done quickly and simply.
Cons: Assumes all members can use the electronics.
Action Requested From Anyone.
- Approve or disapprove.
- Cause it to happen.