By Jim Costa
Date: Jan. 28, 2025
The Problem:
Authors of the Re-Inhabited Republic For The United States Of America (Volumes I & 2 II, Jean Hertler), including some of its users who have done follow-up work in Re-Inhabitating the Republics, may have inadvertently and erroneously inserted their personal religious beliefs as Constitutional dogma.
Facts & Assumptions:
- The early volunteers and pioneers that successfully maneuvered the Re-inhabited Republics movements to where we are today relied heavily on the aforementioned books as their training foundation. This reference material gives a great historical background, including the 1776 Founders intentions, as well as incorporating some of the authors’ personal religious beliefs by way of discussion. This they were free to do.
- The 1776 Founders took most of their religious beliefs and placed them in reserve behind the First Amendment, perhaps recognizing there were other religious beliefs in the world with equal rights of men. They recognized the need for separation of Church and State as a necessary requirement for a fair and true Republic.
- Dictatorships and Democracies follow the timely whims of man. A true Republic recognizes that rights of 100% of its members, with these rights clearly written and defined, as best as can be as time allows.
- In his breakthrough book, Animal Farm (1945), “George Orwell’s timeless and timely allegorical novel—a scathing satire on a downtrodden society’s blind march towards totalitarianism.
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Source
In the above quote, Orwell demonstrates how Non-Republics can easily slip away from their primary goals due to not rigidly enforcing a written Constitution, simply by redefining words. - In 2025 we are selling the idea that we are Re-Inhabiting the Pre-Civil War Republic because it was perfect at that time. It is reasonable for reasonable people to accept this action as right, just and not to be feared.
- But in disregard of the above paragraph, if we make a major “Off Constitution” change to the new Republic, then it is now a New Republic; something that needs to be questioned and possibly feared. To restate this, we are not returning to the “old”, we are creating a new Animal Farm that needs to be questioned and approved.
- I am referring to a problem within the above books and certain teaching podcasts that clearly state that Federal Positions/Offices must be filled by the most Christian members of the church that adheres to the true bible.
- The requirement in “7” above is a mighty broad statement. To what degree must one be to be considered a “Most Christian” person? What is the “True” bible? I believe there are something like 10 English language versions of the “Christian” bible. Who and how was the True One determined?
- Our Constitution clearly declares all Americans living under the US Constitution have the unalienable right to Freedom of religion. This was and is the intent of our Founders; separation of church and state. Currently that is our Constitution as written; it has not been changed.
- Our Constitution gets all of its power from 100% of the persons under it. It reminds me of sailors of old in their square sailed ships. They fervently believed if they served their ship well, their ship would serve them well. If that relationship was broken all would go down into the sea.
In 2025, if we loose a percentage of our members due to a religious preference then we are tempting that sea of doom. - There is no reference anywhere as to “making a Constitutional Amendment” in the future for this religious question. What is being stated in podcasts is inferred to be a fact that non-preferred religious persons cannot hold public office. This begs the question of what official act, Constitutional Amendment or one in authority lawfully made this change in our Constitution since Pre-Civil War days?
- I still remember as a teenager learning my first definition of “Law”. It was defined as a “Reasonable regulation, made by one in authority, for the benefit of all, that is properly promulgated”.
The question now should be “Is it reasonable, made by one in authority, and for the benefit of all?”
We already know it is not published. - In this moment in 2025 we are expecting to Stand-Up our historical 51 Republics at a moments notice. I see ourselves walking along a thin trail around a mountain precipice in our process of Standing-up and now is not the time and place for an outburst of contest over the one true religion, much less the one true bible. This will only kill our traversing around the mountain.
- When we are announced to the country we know the Deep State will attack us. Our weakest point may well be this confusion on religious beliefs. They could have a hay day with this.
- In order to Stand-Up our Republic Assemblies, States and Federal Government, we must have procedures in place NOW to shuttle members (Delegates) from one organization to another and then to another again, in order to complete the Standing-Up process and take the reins of leadership from the Military.
- How can County Assemblies begin to write such procedures without a copy of such a law if it is unpublished and exists nowhere? Does the State and the Federal Governments have the right to refuse a Delegate sent them from the masses because of an “Unwritten law”?
Do the states and Federal governments even have a right to dare write such a law?
And if so when? - The Assemblies need to know immediately the resolution to this dilemma, otherwise the Standing-Up process may be dead on arrival.
- The States and Federal Government appear to not exist (in motion) to entertain a motion like this. If this is true, can someone in authority decide this issue? Will someone step up and decide this issue? Or will time just ride this out until we fall to our deaths?
- There is a flow of reasoning thru a legal problems:
- Gather the facts and assumed facts.
- Wade through the assumed facts to see if they are indeed factual or something just imagined.
- Wade through the facts only and turn them into issues that must be decided.
- Now the argument is focused on just a few issues. These can be focused on in entirety to arrive at a resolution. Minds are sharper.
- When #3 and #4 are clear, all emotion is now off the table.
- Religion can be a guilt infested emotional discussion subject because that is how religion introduced us to it as a child; we were taught we were evil if we questioned the church(es). Many of us were indoctrinated as kids to never to deeply discuss it without a grown preacher present.
- This Proposal tries to defuse the emotions out of the problem so logical persons can indeed resolve the issue without killing each other (religiously). We can all put our guns on the table first.
- If there is an immediate sign of non-respose in “17” above, will our Pod-casters volunteer to step-up and resolve this quagmire threatening our deaths? Can they announce a future plan to take this up in a Constitutional Committee debate at a much later date? Be aware that a commitment made in silence by them will also kill us all.
Can they save us from the perilous path we find ourselves on? There is an axiom in law that says “he that causes the confusion shall suffer from it.” I suggest that he who may have caused confusion here should erase the mistake quickly, so together we can complete our journey successfully.
The Plan:
- Whoever can resolve this issue needs to publish the outcome to the entire group so the Stand-Up Process can be completed safely.
- All parties need to recognize our Founding Fathers resolved this situation by making a clear separation between government and religion.
Voters individually have the right to make these types of decisions at each election. - Someone in a Federal Republic leadership role should step up to dissolve or postpone this situation in a manner that it gives continued life to the Republics to Stand-Up.
Their decision can be made legal by Ratification as we build states to be admitted. - The parties that helped create this confusion should man up and dissolve the confusion by following the footprints of our Founding Fathers.
- As a last resort, all 50 Governors should distribute this Proposal to all County Assemblies in their state so that they can decide the issue for their County and eventualy for their state.
They will be the one to sent Interim Delegates to their Congress.
Their congress must accept them as elected and vetted by their Assembly, according to the Assembly’s wishes.