For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida
TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor Pro Tem., Florida
TO: Honorable SANDRA , MIARECKI, Governor Pro Tem., Texas
From: Jim Costa
Date: August 4, 2024
The Problem:
The Re-Inhabited Republics must be of a grass-roots birth.
Grass Roots organizations seldom have Funding.
They thrive on the funding of volunteers’ grocery money and usually begin to fail after three months due to lack of growth funds.
Facts & Assumptions:
- It is assumed that none of the States have funding to work with.
- Therefore, they are operating off of volunteers family funding, some with kids.
- In the business world I eventually learned that if a co-worker failed, I caused his failure. I failed by not training, coaching or supporting enough.
- Bankers will not finance our venture to ultimately put them out of business.
- We have at most three months to be able to stand up and be ready to open for business.
- We do not have time for garage sales or teens doing car washes.
- We need funding now as we are in a war, an emergency, and must hit hard now to win.
- Wars require funding now rather than later after the war ends.
- Definition: All Contractors, suppliers, volunteers, employees and officers shall hereinafter be referred to as “workers”.
- There will be some goods or special services that may cause failure if we don’t have access to it immediately. We will miss our time limits.
- If we fail to support our workers we might cause them to fail around the third month. If we begin the time from Military notification, that means we may begin to crap out just before the finish line of around November 1st
- Workers can be divided into three classes:
- Teir 1 – Those with kids to feed.
- Teir 2 – Those with no kids but short of funds.
- Teir 3 – Those that can wait 4 months for the Republics to be fully capitalized.
- Teir 1 – Those with kids to feed.
- If we attempt to issue bonds some may be fearful of Security & Exchange Commission (SEC) punishing us for not filing with their office properly and not doing all the legal work to insure we do not violate Federal laws.
Fear not. A De Jure government overpowers a De Facto & fraudulent government, including its agencies. Therefore, we are free to do creative financing immediately without repercussion. - We are expecting to hit hyperinflation by November worse than we are experiencing today.
- This author has no intent to expect reimbursement for any personal service rendered.
- Experienced Ringers are Needed.
The Plan:
- Immediately form a non-profit corporation, perhaps named R-Republic Vouchers, Inc. Its purpose is to receive monthly expense reports from workers to be placed in Accounts Payable.
That corporation will then bill the Republic(s) for them.
As funding comes into the Republics and payments are received from them; Workers can be paid based on tiers.
Final settlement will occur when all corporations are capitalized.
Then this corporation can be closed. - Non-Profit Caveats.
Be prepared to offer perhaps double or triple hourly wages and double out-of- pocket expenses to keep workers families content with their time efforts and financial risk.
Be prepared to possibly restrict some workers, such as late comers into County positions which requires no travel and little investment at the tail end.
Punishment can be offered if anyone grossly abuses the voucher plan. - Generate Start-Up Capital.
On all Republic websites advertise for “Donations & Investments”.
Specify that any donations over $500 will receive double their amount back within six months.
This would include a clause increasing the payback in event of hyperinflation to protect the donor.
The hyperinflation clause would put the donor in the same position which he would have been if he had invested in silver instead of donating to the Republic.
All donations over $500 will receive a graphic art suitable for framing depicting “Benefactor to the Republic – 2024”.
Certain supply/service vendors may accept Government Vouchers for double the invoice amount to be repaid within 6 months.
Ringers Needed.
Certain Ringers can be recruited, preferably from Republic Members to get winning points on the scoreboard immediately. We don’t have time for a learning curve.
Possible Talents Might Be:
- IT/Programming/Web Developers;
- Marketing and Chat Room Posters- frequent Republican & Pro-Trump sites to solicit investments as well as Republic members.
- Secretarial & Research – Convert 500 De Jure historical Pleading from longhand into word documents, using voice to typing software, for public use.
- Proposal Writers. These are simply logical minded individuals that can freely help all Republic officers and assembly members communicate better. They would help callers put their ideas in a Proposal format speeding up meetings.
Note: Do not feel triple wages to these persons are excessive.
All the above talents’ output can be freely replicated and shared with all 50 states. This is a tremendous savings on the Republic as a whole.
– A programmer develops a website for a state at a cost of say $60 per hour.
– It is then shared with 50 other states.
– If each state paid a programmer they might pay $20.00 per hour.
– But if freely shared, the average state cost is just $1.20 per hour.
($60/50) This is Economy of Scale at its best!
Pros & Cons
Pros: This is the only way imaginable to get the winning points on the board in such a short time.
Using members as Needed Talent Workers saves the need for vetting.
Costs: Zip, with the following exemptions.
- Jim Costa will create and pay for the corporation and train whoever leads it, at his expense.
- All payouts at the end of 6 months will be when the Republics are fully capitalized so the costs at that time will be irrelevant; just a normal start-up cost of doing business.
Action Requested: If approved, cause this to happen.