For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida – Maxamizing CISCO Meetings
TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
State Officers: Clyde Cleveland, Jim Costa, Robert Elling, Beverly Killmore, Kristy Lefferts, Craig Pearson, Susan Price.
From: Jim Costa
Date: Sept. 18, 2024
The Problem:
Soon we may have 67 counties wanting CISCO meetings.
Robert “Cisco” Elling works and cannot assist in that many meetings.
There will be new members increasing in number exponentially trying to log in the first time needing assistance. This may delay the meeting a half hour each meeting.
There there will be some meetings needing Consensus or strict Roberts rules of Order.
How can we (Robert) survive this?
Facts & Assumptions:
- CISCO appears to be a complex software meeting host that requires training. It will be hard enough for a new leader to host a meeting but harder if they are unfamiliar. It does record, allows private file sharing, automatic scheduling, etc.
- There are many kinds of meetings. There is brain-storming, Free For alls, ones with 60 participants, some requiring Consensus, simple training with power-points, some needing file sharing with participants, and the very worst kind, ,meetings planning future meetings.
- The most productive meetings are the ones with no more than 6 participants. They all get to say their piece. But at times this requires more meetings to get to all.
- Major business decisions are best if reached under Consensus. This is more time consuming but gets everyone onboard and supporting that decision. It is most likely to succeed because they all own it.
- It appears to me that State and County Judges and County Clerks, all pro tem, cannot be trained to do those jobs. Therefore they will remain idle while others are drowning in the war against time.
The Plan:
- Train the Judicial persons to run the CISCO software, teaching the moderators, and just be at the meetings until no longer needed.
Allow them to start the meeting 15 minutes early to admit those members not experienced in signing in. This will happen at every meeting as more people join in. - Train these people to run meetings using Consensus and Roberts Rules of Order so they can assist the moderator until no longer needed.
- Make these persons the trainers and coaches in these areas.
Pros & Cons
Costs: Zero
Pros: Puts unused help to work. Brings us all up to speed quickly.
Action Requested From Anyone
- Approve or disapprove.
- Cause it to happen.