For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida

TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
State Officers: Clyde Cleveland, Jim Costa, Robert Elling, Beverly Killmore, Kristy Lefferts, Craig Pearson, Susan Price.

From: Jim Costa
Date: Sept. 22, 2024

The Problem:

There is a possibility of all 50 states merging with another republic group from the past. What should we consider in exploring this merger?

Facts & Assumptions:

First, let’s examine what our Current marching orders are:

  1. I have been told that the Military selected us over all other groups to be prepared to Stand Up, taking the land and becoming the Restored Pre-Civil war Republics (state and federal).

  2. We are to demonstrate that we are a long-standing grass roots effort, and not something
    concocted by the Military. This protects their Generals from Treason.

  3. Why were we chosen and not one of the others, considering some of them already have firm roots in the counties when we don’t have any?

    I suggest that it is because we filed rights to the lands in the World Courts and have the backing of many countries in that claim. That is what we have that others do not have.

    The advantage to our group is that puts us as the land owners Dr Jure and if nothing else, puts us as the top contender in the Ped’s dispenser. We will automatically pop-up when the Corporate governments collapse in the very near future.

    We don’t have to do or say anything except claim the prize when it’s time. We simply say this is ours and move on. No one has standing to block us.

    The Military doesn’t want to disqualify us at the last minute, you can be sure of that.

  4.  I Understand that we are trying to follow the Northwest Ordinance the best we can.

    But we recognize that this is a different time from when it was enacted.

    For instance, each principle cannot own the required 3 million cubit virgin acres personally. So we have erased a requirement in it and still proceed under it.

    Are there other variances in this game that we can skirt because of the current time we are in? For instance, we have a world court and the Northwest Ordinance didn’t consider that because they didn’t have one.

    Do you suppose the Military will argue about this?

    See: Proposal – Laches and Squatters.

  5. My Scout troops loved to play the Hounds and Hare game in the woods.

    They learned tracking and to look ahead and plan “on the fly” from it.  Two or more sets of boys tried to Shepard and capture the Hare.  The hare was a few boys running with a wiflepoof on a length of rope.  It was a short log with framing nails sticking out of it scratching the ground.  Sometimes it would jump 10 feet. The goal of the yelping “dogs” was to drive the hare to a secret spot (cage) within a certain time.

  6. The military has a problem that we do not. They will pick the time that they inherit a hot potato – a land without governments. If they hold it too long they become a Junta with its leaders treasonous. If they create their own government they truly are a Junta, as that is a bastard birth.

  7. The military is producing a stage act on the biggest stage ever, the planet. One can only speculate the reason(s) for it. 

    Is it to control the timed fuse on the bomb? Is it to drive the 340 million hares in this country to embrace a new government? Is it the government the Military is creating. 

    Only the Military can deny or accept any of the above. What they don’t accept they can deny, protecting themselves. It is all lost in a giant jar of honey.  You would have to break the jar to see it up close and nobody wants to do that.

  8. Is it possible that the Military/Universe is throwing a softball at us?  If we are on the top of the Pez dispenser then we don’t have to push paper to the governments. This avoids all the onslaught of arguments that can go on forever such as the Chicken or egg riddle. See: Proposal – Laches and Squatters.  

    It appears that we are not being held to the number of residents on the land requirement, but rather an honest attempt at it. If so, is that another piece of evidence we are being thrown a softball on this pitch?  Are we ignoring the soft pitch we see coming and still plan to swing for a fastball, blowing our opportunity?

  9. On a Personal Note:

    Speaking of riddles, as a bank loan officer, I had a customer ask me if I heard the one about the homosexual that picked up the lesbian, They spent the whole night arguing about who was going to do what with which to whom. I couldn’t focus on work the rest of the day. I never did figure it.  I did an audit once in a company’s Board Room.

    I needed to stretch my legs so I walked around with a cup reading the plaques on the wall.  One brass one said: “And god so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son instead of a committee.” 

    One of my favorite authors is Robert Kiyasaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.  He hit me hard when he said one should never fall in love with his investment as he will never get rid of it even when he needs to, because of the emotional attachment.

  10. Perhaps we should be cautious of merging a long-standing group with a start-up like ours. It appears we still do not have a business plan agreed to by all, so we can quickly get lost from our primary goal. See: “A” above. 

    It might take months for all the committees to reconcile what paper we need to deliver when we may not have to deliver anything in this theater in time.  That group may still be looking back to the good ole days while we look at the lay of the land of today. 

    A fear may be that the older groups are mentally in love with their work product that may be correct but may also not fit this time and situation currently being handed to us by the Universe. 

    In the meantime, while we debate who will do what with which to whom, we may miss the bus.

  11. What direction does Florida need to take? Do we build a skeleton crew to form the Assembly, then adopt the Bilateral Agreement as we gain more members, then the election of delegates to state as we continue to grow in numbers? 

    OR do we go all out for 22 million residents now and have them approve the documents? 

    I have always found that the maximum number of meeting participants should seldom be over 6 persons. This is when meetings are most productive.  Above six members things can get out of hand and emotional.  This suggests that we develop a plan for Florida then work it.

    This may be better than taking a wild bet that may be uncontrollable.  

  12. If the Military chose us over that group, even though they are well rooted in the country, doesn’t it beg the question of “Why”. Could it be defective documents and/or procedures? 

    Is this Possible merger to satisfy National leadership because they have no plan and are in panic?

The Plan:
  1. Florida needs to focus on Florida and agree on a plan that all can support.
  2. Be cautious in any merger.
  3. Make it a merger of their individual members joining our Counties under our State plan.

    We must never give the impression it is a merger of groups, or acceptance of and/or adoption of their work products, plans and leadership.

Pros & Cons

Costs: Zero



Action Requested From Anyone.

  1. Approve or disapprove.
  2. Cause it to happen.

PROPOSAL – Mergers and Military Softball

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