For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida
TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
State Officers: Clyde Cleveland, Jim Costa, Robert Elling, Beverly Killmore, Kristy Lefferts, Craig Pearson, Susan Price.
From: Jim Costa
Date: Sept. 24, 2024
The Problem:
How many members of a County Assembly does it take to change a light bulb; to get the job done?
Facts & Assumptions:
- Every County assembly that has tried to restore the Republics has wrestled with this problem, and has probably resolved it differently. There is no lawful answer to this issue.
- As every cowboy knows, you can easily turn over a steer simply by turning its head.
- It is easier to accomplish something in a meeting if the participants are no more than six. Try accomplishing the same thing with 60 excited people.
- We can assume the Military is using theater to scare the population into our boat. We are preparing for the onslaught now.
- How can each County accomplish their jobs as quickly as possible?
- How can we sidestep an endless argument on how many Assembly members does it take to change a light bulb?
- Ratification is defined as ”To ratify means to approve or enact a legally binding act that would not otherwise be binding in the absence of such approval.” Source
The Plan:
- Convene an assembly when you get six members.
- Adopt the Bylaws, elect Assembly officers and then adopt or change the Bilateral Agreement.
- When the Assembly feels it has a goodly number of members begin the election process for its delegates to the state.
- When the Assembly gets between 30 and 100 members, have the assembly accept the prior work thru a vote of Ratification. This ends any future argument if their work product was lawful.
Pros & Cons
Costs: Zero
Pros: Gets it done immediately and lawfully. Prevents endless arguments.
Action Requested From Anyone.
- Approve or disapprove.
- Cause it to happen.