For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida

TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
From: Jim Costa
Date: Sept. 11, 2024

The Problem:

What documents do we serve to the County to “Return To The Land”, and how can we protect Committee Members’ identity?

Facts & Assumptions:
  1. There has been confusion in my mind as to what document we use to serve the County for this.

    My belief is that the bilateral Contract is the perfect form do deliver.

    However I see where Utah used a Preamble.

  2. It has been decided that Florida will deliver the notice by Registered Mail with Return Recept, signed by the Assembly/Committee Recording Secretary, for the day.

  3. A question on a Family Law exam was this: Your firm has a new client wanting to know what he should do?

    His Father and Step-Mother both died on the Titanic. Both were wealthy.

    His will gave it all to his spouse, then to him if she is dead. Her will left it all to her spouse. If he is deceased, it all goes to her biological son.

    Somehow the client has all the wealth of both parties. What should you tell the client?

    My answer was to go home and do nothing. There is nobody alive that can prove which party died first.

    The client has all the wealth. Step-Bubba must sue with proof that father died first, which he can’t do. Therefore, the client has no problem.

  4. In law, all forms fall into one of two classes: “Form over Substance” and “Substance over the Form”. A tax Return Extension of Time is Form Over Substance. It matters not what is written on it.

    A restraining Order from a newly married person against Mother-In-Law will depend only on the words written, especially if the judge is a woman.

    When returning to the land, it is Form over Substance.

  5. Because it is Form over Substance, it matters not if just one person signs it or the entire clubhouse signs it.

  6. When we serve the notice the County will not know who sent it nor will they care.

    If they are smart, they will know their world is coming down and soon they may be without a job.

    If they are bankrupt, there is nothing they can do.

    Others in the past few wears were in trouble with authorities for doing this.

    Today the authorities know it is too late to stop what is happening.

  7. In my youth I had two signatures. My long slow formal signature and my initials.
    Because of job requirements of signing everything, my only signature now is scribbled initials.

The Plan:
  1. Have the recording Secretary be one with a scribbled signature.

    The name need not be typed out.

    That secretary will be the only one to sign anything.

  2. Mail both the Bilateral Contract as well as the Preamble to prevent hurt feelings as to is right.

    The return receipt can go to a business address.

Pros & Cons

Costs to Each County: About $200 for mailing.

– Gets the job done.

– Gets signed but discloses nothing.

– Everyone stays in the shadows.

– Some may say we are gutless.

Action Requested From Each County Or Governor To Recommend:

  1. Approve or disapprove.
  2. Cause it to happen if approved.

PROPOSAL – Returning To The Land

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