For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida
TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
State Officers: Clyde Cleveland, Jim Costa, Robert Elling, Beverly Killmore, Kristy Lefferts, Craig Pearson, Susan Price.
From: Jim Costa
Date: Oct. 13, 2024
The Problem:
We are quickly electing Delegates, the primary goal of the County Assemblies.
What do we do with the Workers’ website now?
Facts & Assumptions:
- We currently have 6 delegates ready for the State. We have 24 County Assemblies up and prepared to elect 42 delegates. This will yield 36% of the needed House members.
After the Hurricane is behind us, in two weeks or so, we can continue to raise Assemblies. But at this time, we have demonstrated for the Military that we can do the job. - What other uses of the web site can it be developed for, now that the Assembly process is working well?
- Train, Support and utilize the delegates to perform their training so they can assist their replacements.
- Train, support and utilize the assembly members to run the Republic when it stands up, and run the local governments in the county.
- Train the Assembly members to train and support the elected delegates until their office and assistants no longer need them.
- Just like in the game of Checkers when a pawn has made it across the board, do we turn around and help the other states trying to get the job done?
- Do we attempt to clean up our State Constitution?
- Train, Support and utilize the delegates to perform their training so they can assist their replacements.
- Basic Training can be utilized to accomplish #1 thru #3 above.
Later there may be specialty items to be covered. - Do we dare assist other states in raising Assemblies?
Do we risk upsetting National Leadership?
Do we give states our Cloned Websites?
Do we risk financially supporting them with the cloning & Operations?
Or do we write just one Workers’ Website they can all utilize together, adding one page to direct the reader to each state’s private Forum Website?
They then can create their own Forum website and run it. - This writer does not believe we have the people and/or talent to take on this task of cleaning up the State Constitution at this time.
- This should be postponed for now.
The Plan:
- This writer is not comfortable in making these decisions.
They need to be either by the Governor, a committee or the fledgling House of Representatives.
See also: Proposal-Ad Hoc Board of Directors. - Request help from the appointed and newly elected Delegates to the House of Representatives, along with eager Assembly Members to sharpen their skills by writing their own Proposals for parts of this dialogue.
We have persons available to assist them. We need the ideas and they need the OJT training in the Proposal Method.
Pros & Cons
Costs: Zero
– It’s time we plan our future and lead ourselves.
– We need to start the training now.
– Keeps the Assemblies active. These are things they can assist with.
Cons: Could offend National.
Action Requested From Anyone.
- Approve or disapprove.
- Cause it to happen.