Email Subject: Re-Inhabited Florida Republic calling Charlotte members.

As you can see, Trump will be in control shortly and we expect the Military to call for the Florida Re-Inhabited Republic to Stand-Up and open our state Congress.

To do this we need two more Interim Delegates to represent our county in the
Republic For Florida House of Representatives.

Qualifications: None. You will be a place holder only for a few months while we have
Statewide elections for all public offices in 120 days after standing up.

Travel & Expenses: None

Voting expected: Twice both by email or Zoom meeting.

If later you change your mind you can drop out after we have more members when the
public learns of us.

Someone else can then take your place.

The Interim positions are to demonstrate to the Military we can re-fill the Republic.

If you can volunteer, in my book you will be a hero extraordinaire!.

Thank you.

Elizabeth Jones – County Organizer
941.502.4900 – Mobile

See our Website:

Sample Email Recruitment Letter

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