For The Re-Inhabited Republic For Florida

TO: Honorable MICHAEL BISHOP, Governor, Florida
From: Jim Costa
Date: August 8, 2024

The Problem:
  • How can we make our meetings more productive and less stressful?

  • How can we allow time for everyone to participate and still not create longer meetings?

  • How can we help timid members be equal with powerful assertive members?

  • How can we be more certain that we get decisions right?

  • How can we show those that come behind us to understad why we made decistions, what facts did we consider?

Facts & Assumptions:
  1. Ford Motor Company has Board Meetings that cover a lot of decisions.  I assume they use something like the Proposal Method.  This is a method I created but I am sure I am not the first Homo Sapien to do so.

    This method might be used when omplex ideasare presentedthat might not be a simplle straight up/down vote with very little debate before hand at other metings.

  2. The method calls for a sponsor to present a Proposal.  He must share it with all meeting participants a week prior to the meeting.

    All members are instructed to communicate with the sponsor if they have a particular problem with it. Each member must act like they want the Proposal to pass and therefore negotiate with the sponsor to change the proposal in some way in order to garner his vote.

    If the Sponsor agrees to a change, he notifies all meeting participants of the change.

    This keeps most of the debate out of the meeting as there should be only one or two who disagree with the Proposal. They can then discuss this with the group prior to the call for a vote.

    Only the Sponsor can recall the Proposal.

  3. There are times when non-technical persons must make decisions on technical issues, such as what type of radios should be used. Under the Proposal Method, the sponsor tries to present all Facts and Assumptions in plain english to educate all members.

  4. The method requires all Cons of the Proposal that a reader might raise.

  5. Be reasonable about when to use the Proposal plan.
    Example: Should we have fresh green beans or canned ones at the Christmas Party?
    The Proposal Method is best for difficult proposals.

  6. Perhaps we can have a few volunteers available to help any caller restate their proposal in the Proposal format. This levels the playing field and gives the timid no excuse to hold out their ideas.

The Plan:
  1. Start using the Proposal plan when needed, teaching by example.

  2. Begin recommending as many as possible communications by Congress Persons use this method when called for.

Pros & Cons

Costs: None.

– Teaches us all to analyze their suggestions and refine it for forceful presentation.  
– Forces outside negotiations prior to the meeting.
– Makes for a more friendly and productive meeting.
– Keeps out surprises an gives others the respect to be prepared.

– Keeps possible solutions out by other members out of the negotiation process.
– However, if no resolution is reached before the meeting, all participants will be available as the meeting hears the discussion given by the unhappy supporters and can possibly mediate then.
– Must be delivered a week prior to meeting which can b a problem for emergency matters. So in that case shorten the delivery time.

Action Requested

  1. Approve or disapprove.
  2. Cause it to happen.

The Proposal Method

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